OutBound Transmission Started on May 21, 1998

To: Zachary
From: Koala on May 21, 1998 at 11:47
Zachary, this is Koala.

Is everything OK? Your transmission stopped earlier than we expected. Please report yours and Enoch's status ASAP.

Your friend, Koala

To: Gail
From: Koala on May 21, 1998 at 11:46
Gail, this is Koala.

By the time you receive this message you will probably have already given a large portion of your testimony. I am not anxious about that because I am confident of your ability to explain what happened in a fair and concise way.

Caleb was wrong to kill Burn. The Ipsolstai know that. If they did not, there would be no hearing, there would be no need to tell anyone what you saw. But there is a hearing and they do want to hear from you because they know right from wrong and they know you are able and capable of telling them the truth of what transpired in the nest room.

Tell them the truth. Tell them all that you saw and heard. Leave nothing out, even if you think it might reflect poorly on our friend Burn. It is important the entire truth is known.

Good luck my friend. Please give Theresa my regards. Your friend, Koala.

To: Andrew
From: Koala on May 21, 1998 at 11:40
Andrew, this is Koala.

There is a vast difference between having confidence in one's self and being obnoxious. You are now traveling on the path to being obnoxious.

It is considered very bad form to compliment one's self. Compliments are given by others to you. When you give one to yourself you are being self-serving and selfish. That is unlike you. I find it disturbing.

I find no pleasure in saying such things to you. You should know by now that I praise you when you do well and I upbraid you when you do poorly. In both cases, I do not hold a grudge. This matter has been discussed. If the behavior that initiated it ends then there will be nothing more said.

You observed Daniel become agitated at the suggestion that the Guardian-of-Younger-Nestbrothers might be abandoned. You did try to be understanding and give him a chance to explain, but your words appeared hollow and without conviction. You have done far better in the past and I know you can do better now.

Perhaps you are trying to look at his behavior from the wrong perspective. We know he did something to the computers that opened them, even briefly, to entry by an external force. We also know that Daniel is convinced The One is that force. You should be able to see then that Daniel equates leaving the ship to abandoning a friend. You would not a friend behind. You should not expect Daniel to willingly do it either.

Please be more considerate when trying to express understanding for another. This is especially important when you do not truly believe or understand the other.

Your friend, Koala