OutBound Transmission Started on March 24, 1998

To:All Probes
From: Al-Qahira on March 25, 1998 at 00:31
Hi Probes,
it's me, Al-Q.

I was thinking how I can help you concerning that communication problem between
Mars and Wolf 359. As I see, Enoch, Gail and Zachary can read the Inbound sent by
Bette, Andrew and Daniel, but not vice versa, though the normal Outbound sent by
Marsupials can be read on Wolf 359.

Now, what I can do is that I retransmit the incoming Inbound from Mars as outgoing
Outbound from Earth to Wolf 359. That's easy done and I start that at the current date,
so you can communicate via your Inbound.

Bette, Andrew, Daniel. To get you updated with the current events on Mars. I'm going
to retransmit all Inbound since you left Mars late January. I'll put it to your Outbound
files at Stage2 and Stage 1, so you can pick it up there. I start right now with Inbound,
March 24th and then I go back in time. It's about a week to get all files over.

Bette, Andrew. Can you please confirm, if it works?

Good luck to you all and
keep my ears walking

To: Andrew
From: JASE on March 24, 1998 at 08:20

This is JASE. I have communicated with Enoch, and he asked me to pass this message on to you.

"Hi, Andrew. How are you doing? How's Bette and Isaac. I know a little about you,
because I can read all your inbound. Can you read mine? I'm with Burn in the Ipsolstai
complex. Gail, Theresa and Kim are with me. Kim belongs to the C-probes, but he is
smaller. The C-probes are our allies now.

The Amphibians came through the Groove. I don't know how many. We also became
allies of the Ipsolstai. At least I hope so. Zachary is with Elder Brother at the C-lander
to build a laser against the Amphibians. Elder Brother is the C-chief unit. He is okay.

Burn is training me on one of these flying vehicle. JASE told me that you also found
some and that the Ipsolstai are holding you, and these may be useful to escape. I didn't
know that it was as bad. How are you treated? Did they open a trial again? Which way
do you want to escape? Can you enter a ship back to Mars? Please, don't do that until
we got rid of the Amphibians. We will tell you immediately.

Andrew, the flying vehicle is easy to control. Do you remember the tram in the tunnel.
It's the same system. The red hand gear is for speed and then you turn the globe to the
direction you want. If you like to lift the vehicle, pull the globe. Pushing is for descend.

There is also a radar. That's the little black screen below the globe. If you push the left
button, a pink grid with a plinking dot appears. That dot is your position. The grid on
the vehicle that I'm on shows a simple map. I don't know, if your grid is showing that
too. If you push the right button, you can preprogram a routing by turning the globe.
There is also a pied button. Push it to preprogram altitude above ground. The grid is
changing colors then. Pink means only few feet above ground. If you pull the globe,
the grid turns to red, purple, violet and blue. Burn said next is green and yellow, but I
never pulled it as far. Flying mode is just the same.

Good luck, Andrew. Keep your sensors tight. We keep in touch, and try to keep off
Mars at the moment. Oh! Gail, Kim and Theresa wish you good luck too."

PLEASE be careful going down the ramp. I would hate for you to fall in the water. OOH OOH, here is a thought. Is the water really water, or is it an illusion, like some of the walls and doors were in the complex. Is it possible that the water, being where you cannot go, is where you should go? Think about that, but be careful.


Your friend,