OutBound Transmission Started on November 14, 1997

To: Enoch
From: xciever-dpuk on November 14, 1997 at 08:58

When we worked on the early probe designs, we nicknamed the servo circuits and feedback circuits "Neuro Feedback" its not a biological description.
Half cocked means "taking action without having all the vital information". If you want to try the new legs, why don't you do a couple of external fortress inspections at high speed (see if any more damage is occuring) ?. I saw you're response to the posibility of another satalite... I don't think this is the case. No earthstations are picking anything up.

If you look hard enough out there in the red dust you may just find the remains of some of your predecessors !. Some of their components could be modified to assist in the EU communications problem or with the solar station.

I can give you the last know coordinates of the earlier probes (official and unofficial) if you wish, but I'm sure you are quite capable of accessing that data yourself (there is no reason you shouldn't talk directly to our databases here!)

Stay alert Enoch

(when you figure it out... let me know)