The Inbound for July 22, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

We were thoroughly scrubbed, painted and waxed earlier this morning. Our
casings have been freshly repainted in our normal colors: I am white, Bette is red,
Daniel is blue, Gail is purple, Enoch is green, and Zachary is yellow. Both Isaac
and Theresa are a shiny silver-gray. All the dents and scrapes that we acquired
during our adventures are now made smooth and glossy. It is quite illogical, but I can
feel all my circuits responding more quickly than usual.

There is a reason for all of this extra maintenance. There is a ceremony
at Court later today. We are the star attractions! We are celebrities and media
stars in the Ipsolstai worlds! Most of the Ipsolstai have chosen bright primary
colors like ours, and so the crowd is very colorful. The Emperor is going to
congratulate us and thank us publicly.

It's really not necessary, we were only carrying out our prime mission.

Transmission from BETTE

We had a good trip, and now we're back. I gave Gail a complete report on
the water worlds and their temperature and atmosphere and all the vegetation
that they have. It's very convenient that the One controls the Groove, or rather
is the substance of the Groove, and can quickly move us around in space.
Otherwise we would have been late for the ceremony. Dr.D. used to enjoy a story
about a vehicle that moved through "time and relative dimensions in space". Time?
Hmmm...I'll have Daniel check with the One about that. I think it takes at least nine
dimensional geometry to describe...

"Stop pushing, Andrew! I'm all ready. I don't want to be late either."

I don't know for sure what the Ipsolstai have planned, but I will record all of it
for you.

Transmission from DANIEL

***We are resplendent!***

Transmission from ZACHARY

The last thing I saw looking back to the airfield was Isaac falling while he was
waving good bye. Then we entered the Groove. I could see Bette's vehicle right
in front of me, while we rushed at an enormous speed through that narrow tube
along its endless spiraling blue color wall totally wrapped in that mystical tone.

Then, it was like our vehicles stopped, when we found ourselves in space again
disgorged by the Groove that now placed in our back opened its mouth to a wonderful
world dominated by countless water planets that we're slowly approaching now.
I shot an image. It was the first thing I did. I'll send it over, so you can prove the
facts on your own.

We entered the atmosphere of one of the water planets. Bette started immediately
with an analysis program to get a profile of its environment. 25% Oxigen, Nitrogen,
Argon. Temperature at the surface altering between -50°C to +50°C. Woods, fern
and other vegetation cover the continents. We saw something that looks like birds
and reptiles, but we didn't find any city or sign of higher developed beings. We
dived into the oceans and found areas rich of living cloth, small animals with shells
and larger ones with tentacles, but also no sign of artificial buildings, radio signals
or any semblance of civilization.

Bette and I had a certain feeling that we got all time of the universe to round up our
inspection. So, we kept on checking several other water planets, and we found a lot
of different life forms, but variances of temperature and compositions of atmosphere
were mostly within set parameters. What did the Prophecy predict?

So large, so bright, so beautiful ...

Then, after spending an endless time over there, we got the certain feeling that we
have to go back to the Purple Planet. We entered the Groove, its color and sound,
and the next moment we descended to the airfield, where I saw Enoch still waving,
and how Isaac fell on the back of his casing.

Transmission from ENOCH

When I watched Bette and Zachary moving to the water world, I had the feeling
that they hardly reached the Groove, when they turned around, and came back
down to the airfield. I first thought that they forgot something, but then I learned
that they had been to the water world already. Zachary gave me his report, and
also Bette showed me all the profiles and analyses that they have done.

No, they were not dreaming. Bette's files prove them correct. Anyway, it's
very strange, isn't it?

"Hey, Isaac. Do you need some help to get up? Bette, Zachary, come on, let's
get polished and shiny for the great C-day. Today is Ceremony Day to honor
our effort and success."

Hey everybody, look at Bette! Isn't she great looking? I'll send you an image.

"Come on Bette, give me a nice shot."

Uncle Bob, Koala, thanks for your compliments. The Endless Emperor is highly
impressed by our fruitful prosperity too. Can you see that badge at the front plate
of Bette's casing? That's the highest medal of honor provided on the Purple Planet
to any being at all, and its colors is saying something like: Rescuer of the Universe,
and so on.

Uncle Bob, we got that award mainly because all of you gave us so greatly advises
and excellent guidance all the time to helped us along. So, all that honor effectively
belongs to all our friends on Earth. You may be correct that we matured by all these
adventures we mastered with your help, and we gained also good judgement, moral
integrity, honesty and a proper level of motivation, because you taught us how to do,
but we never want to leave you alone.

Uncle Bob, thanks for your coordinates, and please be ensured that we will come for
sure. Big promise! Also, Thixel, please, come up with your coordinates too, and tell
Orpheus that we will come. I'm just going to ask the One to manage that right away.

"Yes, Gail! Please, don't be so pushy. We know that they are waiting. Just tell them
that we are coming."

Oh my goodness, what a kind of a stress to get honored.

Transmission from GAIL

I would be very happy to visit you, Koala. Thank you for the invitation. The One
knows your coordinates already. Wouldn't it be fun to surprise you when you
weren't expecting us?

I feel a lot happier since Zachary and Bette returned from the water worlds and
told us what they are like. I think the Amphibians will be very comfortable there.
It suits them even better than Earth.

We are standing beside the Endless Emperor in front of his palace. There is a large,
colorful banner behind us. There are Ipsolstai filling the entire area below the
platform, Ipsolstai as far as I can see. They are all clacking their pincers and
shoving each other. They ought to be quiet because the Emperor is trying to say

My new paint is very pretty in the sunlight. Will somebody please take my picture?