The Inbound for October 14, 1997

Transmission from ANDREW


Transmission from BETTE

"Isaac, I don't have time to talk with you right now. I'm sending another
message to Parker and Hardon."

"Dear Mr. Parker and Mr. Hardon:
We have many friends, some of them are mean, too.
The Gen probe was not our friend, so it was destroyed.
We shelter them, otherwise your probes are lost.
This is your last chance to cooperate."

There. That ought to show them. Not one word to them unless they send us
the control codes for the new probes. It's all true, isn't it? We do have many friends.
Which ones are the mean ones, Xanthos?

"Isaac, please don't bother me now. Stop pulling my antenna. I'll play with you
in a little while."

Transmission from DANIEL

my hand...

when she did the what she did, she was fierce and beautiful

Transmission from ENOCH

I'm not going to open the box that Burn left. Zachary is a fussbudget. I just picked
it up to see how heavy it is and shook it to see if anything rattled. Hmm. Can't
tell much.

"Later,Isaac. I'm very busy right now."

Isaac has been following Bette around. After the construction drones removed his
projectile tubes, I decided to let him out of the trap tunnel. He promised to behave
himself. He sure asks a lot of questions.

The mechanical repairs on Andrew are completed. Now we need to reload
some programs to his mass memory units. I'm going to try copying a few
specific basic routines. It's a touchy business; if I totally copied my tapes, for
instance, we would have two Enochs.

"Shut up, Zachary. That was mean."

As I was saying, I don't want to overwrite any Andrew parts that may be left.

Transmission from GAIL


Transmission from ZACHARY

Xanthos, there are six Ipsostai here on Mars. Caleb has two friends for sure.
Burn has one friend for sure and another who can't decide about the probes but
likes Burn.

"Enoch, stop shaking that box and put it down. We're going to wait for Burn
to come back. Umm, is it very heavy?"

I explored the Ipsolstai base. Like the Mars base, most of it was underground with
many tunnels and rooms. I remember one in particular. It contained a machine or
some kind of equipment that made a rhythmic humming sound. It was located near an
exit to the surface.