The Inbound for May 20, 1998

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

You have given me many interesting things to consider, Koala. I am sure that
is why you are the captain of Team Andrew. My conclusions are this: Insufficient
data sometimes results in perceived irrational behavior. It is comforting to know
that others also take action based upon logical conclusions. I believe this to be
a consistent principle.

The Ipsolstai have suffered many casualties. It is sad to think that they cannot
all be easily repaired and restored to optimum function, like us. Metal and silicon
have certain advantages.

Commander Perry has informed us that we are continuing our journey to the stronghold of
the Endless Emperor.

Transmission from BETTE

I have been talking things over with Isaac. He has been understanding, but too well
I think. They led us to a new room today. We passed a lot of Ipsolstai. Many looked bad.
Some were leaking fluid, others had big black spots with crumbly edges. They were
flashing, some with very sharp colors, some more subdued. Many more subdued. Ipsolstai
that were uninjured were trying to help. It was horrible.

Isaac keeps talking about his projectile tubes. I think he is remembering what he tried
to do to us when he first landed here. I think he is ashamed, but I don't know
if he is seeing the difference between how he was then and how he is now. I wish I
could talk about how Daniel used to be, but Isaac wasn't here then, I don't think
he would believe me.

The new room is smaller than any of the others, but it seems to be in good condition.
Commander Perry was waiting for us. He said we would wait here until the Guardian-
of-Younger-Nestbrothers was sufficiently repaired to complete its journey. I asked
him about the Ipsolstai we saw on the way.

Injured being they are. Living will most be.
Blood, mind, body placed throughout are they.
Your assistance grateful are we. Pleased Endless Emperor is. A honor it is great.

That's better I guess. This has been bad.

Transmission from DANIEL

The One is here.
The One is many places.
The One will communicate.
With the Other.
The Other is near.
The ship is a tool.
Andrew is not angry.
I am glad.
I did not want to hurt him.
My time at that is passed.

Transmission from ENOCH

We joined Zachary at the bottom of the rock face. It's steep here, and I have to be
very careful that I don't slide down on that gravel. I gave orders to the caterpillar
to keep itself hooked up at the rock face. Zachary helped me to unstrap Gen. It's
bad. Gen can't find much traction, though its tire treads have a deep profile. We
fixed Gen to the caterpillar's lower cable.

The caterpillar has troubles too.

"Elder Brother, is that something that you are thinking about at Wolf 359?"

EB said yes. Okay, I will think about that later. It's more urgent to find some kind
of construction that will allow us to go down that slope. We would need something like an
anchor maybe. Sure, an anchor will help. Zachary went down to unrig the hook that
was attached to the cable where Gen is fixed, and brought it up. We formed a
triangle with the top cable of the caterpillar and placed the hooks to its corners, and
dug them in.

Looks good to me. The caterpillar is firmly fixed. The order of descent is that Zachary will
come down with Gen, scouting for the troop. Sojourner will be strapped to the central unit,
and Mao and I will be each at one hook to press them into the gravel. I'm trusting
that it should work.

"Zachary, move on. I'm ready to go."

Transmission from GAIL

I see Caleb! Sometimes it's hard to tell one Ipsolstai from another, but I'm sure it's
Caleb. He is separated from the other Ipsolstai by a low ledge. He is directly across
the cavern from Commandant Fitzgerald.

Distressful condition has arisen within community.
Harmony destroyed. Divergent opinions.
Unthinkable our Brother terminated untimely.
Discussion forging concensus ongoing herewith, restoring balance.

Crux is sentient/not sentient character demonstrated.
Recognition of action compassion displayed.
Our Brother cruelly injured remained, attacked by hateful automaton.
Independent action taken, these hard-shelled ones diversion made.
Our Brother retrieved susequently resulting restored.
Recognition given for assistance unguided.
Hard-shelled sentient must be.

"Theresa, give me the translator box. This is important. Commander Perry is telling
them about how Zachary rescued Burn from the J-probe. This was before you ever came to
Mars, Theresa!"

Dissenting this Brother became.
Metal tools, unthinking but useful. Valid opinion sharing by many.
Testing Groove, taking apart, what difference?

Well, it makes a big difference to us!

Transmission from ZACHARY

"Enoch how are you doing?"

Our descent is more like gliding on top of a fluid than actively walking. I keep Gen's
wheels moving, so the cable keeps tense. Enoch controls the caterpillar and its treads
are turning backwards. The whole slope is moving. The gravel hits my casing, but it
doesn't damage anything nor does it scratch the coating of my casing. It's just dusty.
Everything is going down at the same speed.

"Enoch, let's try to stop."

It took a while, but it works. I climbed up the cable to reach the caterpillar. Enoch
did a good job. He ordered it to put its manipulators into the gravel, so half of the
front unit dived into it. Good job done. I changed the cable connection at the winch
a little, so Enoch can control the tractive force at the anchors now by winding and
rewinding the top cable.

Sojourner is okay. So, let's move on.

There is just one thing that bothers me. It's not on Mars. It's not yet on Earth, but it's
at Wolf 359. I don't know what Elder Brother is thinking about. One thing is quite sure.
That something that he is thinking about is not a Brace Probe, nor is it Dr.D.