The Inbound for March 02, 1998

Transmission from BETTE

Isaac's message is all sent now. I hope you got it OK. He has been pretty happy
all weekend. Daniel even played with him a little, tried to teach him a few things
about probe society. I wish Andrew were back here. Daniel is reassuring to have around,
but not much fun.

Something strange happened outside of the building. The sky got dark like it does when
a sand storm is coming, but it was dark black, not red or pink. Then things started
falling from the sky. I can't tell you what they were, my taster won't go through
the window. There were flashes of light and it looked like there was a lot of wind,
very strong wind. It was amazing. I'm sending a picture.
Do you have anything like
this on Earth?

Transmission from ENOCH

The noise vanished as soon as it appeared. I looked around. The warriors are staying
in the same formation as before. No sound at all.

"Elder Brother, what was that?"

No reply. No move. I climbed down the warrior that I was riding. I can see now why
it didn't move. Three big holes went right through its shell. Perfectly spherical holes.

I checked all the warriors. No functions. All are pierced with several holes. Also
Elder Brother. It's a sad feeling to look at him, though I know that he is still with
Zachary. But he never will be able to update his last impressions. His second unit
is gone for ever. I totally feel lost.

"Zachary, I'm fine. I survived. Please, tell Elder Brother that also EB II is gone.
Tell him all my sympathy. Maybe I can save a part he needs, so please ask him."

What's that? I can here something.

Oh, it's Kim. He took cover between the treads of a warrior. So it isn't me alone who
survived. Fine. Let's move on to the Fortress to meet Gail. That looks much safer to
me than walking down the Big Canyon.

"Gail, the warriors are messed up, but Kim and I are coming."

Transmission from ANDREW

Andrew reporting.

It is strange, but true. By following Daniel's instructions telling me to go up and
to go where I can't go, I have reached an apparently inaccesible section of the building.

"Daniel, why didn't you just tell me about the coordinates? That could have prevented
a lot of confusion."

I think he's enjoying some sort of game, trying to sound mysterious. Willful
obfuscation. I don't like blundering around if he has a map or information available.

The elevator had a second exit, on the back side. This area is unlit. I have
turned on my headlamp so I can get visual data as well as tasting the space.
I am in a low, wide corridor that goes straight ahead. The surface of the walls and
ceiling have the appearance of polished stone. The floor surface is covered with
a material composed of short fibers which yield slightly when I step on them. It
makes my progress very quiet.

Down, down. How to go down? This corridor doesn't have any side branches. I will
continue on.

"Daniel, it's been too long since we've heard anything from Gail and Enoch and Zachary.
Is your One going to help us get back to Mars, or just sit around and be smug
and omniscient?"

Transmission from GAIL

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Bryce. It makes me feel a lot braver to
know that I am not alone, even if you are not on Mars with us.

"Together we stand, divided we fall." That is a very profound thought. You
understand exactly how our probe society should work, with each of us helping the
others, and with teamwork. When each of us has the same goal, no probe is truly alone.

And the good news is, Zachary says that Enoch is coming to rescue us!

I'm going to peek outside and see if I can see him coming.

Hmm, that's funny. I can see funny lights, with flashes coming from just around
the bend of the canyon. Something must be happening.

Transmission from ZACHARY