SUBJECT>Re: Schedule: We're working on it! POSTER>redwing EMAIL> DATE>Monday, 22 June 1998, at 10:37 p.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: STAFF>Yes PASSWORD>aakl3eu08QmlI PREVIOUS>4486 NEXT> IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Thank you for the suggestion, Team Captain Koala. The Marsdawn Staff has discussed early AM posts, and we would like to change to this schedule for posting.

Problems arise with the writers spread across nine time zones. Also, at the current time we have 50% of the staff on vacation traveling and 25% of the staff with dubious internet access for the summer. The remaining 25% has recently taken a job working on the graveyard shift.

Thanks for your continued support.
