SUBJECT>Intercepted Dispatch/Forward to the Marsdawn Conspiracy POSTER>Dudley Doless EMAIL> DATE>Thursday, 14 May 1998, at 10:25 a.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS> NEXT> IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Canadian Security and Intelligence Service
Hay River NWT Field Office:
February 20, 1998\

Re: Arctic Earthwatch Station II
Att. Ottawa Bureau Command

The Arctic Earthwatch Station II at IIquluulit NWT seems to be running smoothly now that the personnel problems have been worked out. As you know, the station clerk, Bryce Winters, experienced some extreme problems as a result of the stations isolation and a natural predisposition to hysterical behavior.

Lengthy mental reconditioning and CSIS phyciatric evaluations have helped MR. Winters come to terms with reality and the paranoid delusions about time-space disturbances and electro-magnetic fluctuations within the solar-system as well as his incoherent ramblings about proof of extra-terrestial visitations to Earth are a thing of the past.

As you know, we managed to supress the reports he tried to publish to the European Space Agency before any permanent damage to our Agenda could be sustained. Brussels now thinks the whole incedent was a bad April fools joke. Mr. Winters now realizes the errors in his reasoning and desires full rehabilitation. Since his therapy sessions began, Bryce Winters has been a model caretaker and the Earthwatch station is functioning flawlessly, we continue to receive digital environmental data and orbital picture resonance within normal parpameters.

I would recommend that this loose cannon has been tamed and that Mr. Winters be taken off permanent alert. The Earthwatch II Station is again working as a performing link in the Global Environmental Data-
Enhancement System. As long as Bryce Winters continues treatment and medication therapy, we see no further embarrassing problems like the incedent of last year.


Dudley Doless
Hay River, NWT