SUBJECT>Let's make some headway... POSTER>Di§turbed EMAIL> DATE>Sunday, 26 April 1998, at 12:46 p.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS> NEXT> 4392 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Now, I think that most people's favorite probes are either Bette or Gail...My favorite, is Daniel.
Not ecause he has much of a personality, but because he seems to know what's really goin on, and I'D like to find out. There hasn't been a lot of discussion on what is happening lately so I've decided to start this thread.
What is Daniel talking about?
The way he speaks of the One, and that there may be "Others" sounds to me like a God.
Is the One a god?
Is that at least what the Ipolstai think?
What is Daniel trying to do with the computers, etc.
I think Daniel is the one whi will turn out to make revelations, but because of his crypticism (is that a word?), we will have to figure out what is going on with him. I would love to talk to Daniel, but my browser won't let me send messages to the probes, I don't know why.
This is a little disjointed I guess. Not very well written, but I'm in a hurry here.
Hopefully this wil start a good thread, because I'm sure everyone has their own theories about Daniel, or at least feelings they get when they read his transmissions.
