SUBJECT>Re: What to say to Parker POSTER>Hamlet EMAIL> DATE>Wednesday, 1 April 1998, at 5:54 p.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS>4333 NEXT> IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I would throw my vote in for telling him that all Zero suggested, except for the b/m part and then see his reaction. If he doesn't go for the carrot, we have a stick. Also, Gail has realized that Chang isn't as nice as she seems, so we don't have to worry about them controlling the probes, or turning them against us.

I think the key question isn't what we shuld tell Parker, but what he can tell us. What good would it be to give him info and not get any in return. I plan to tell him I have been quite concerned about my friends Dilyn and Jose, and was hoping he might be able to, through his much greater resources, be able to help me locate them. Anything else we want from him? OH! and if we find out he doesn't like Chang, should we hint that we may be willing to help depose her? Or at least fan the flames? Internal subterfuge is so much fun! Maybe we can find her weakness and drop her a little hint, like we did with P&H and their sugar. ;)

Hamlet... preparing for contact.