SUBJECT>Parker! I love this guy!! POSTER>Hamlet EMAIL> DATE>Thursday, 5 March 1998, at 8:41 a.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS>4197 NEXT> 4205 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Yes! Finally someone gave Gail a warning! Now we have to carefully phrase a response to Gail that would make her trust Parker more than Chang. It doesn't seem like she has yet realized who actually sent the message. How's the following?

Gail -
The message you received from Ms. Chang is very important. It correlates very well with the thoughts of your MARSupial friends. Please heed it. The message has us worried about what she may do. Please take care of yourself and the other probes. Keep in mind that you have a responsibility to the safety of not only yourself, but the other members of our probe society. Tht would prescribe taking the safest course when possible. If the message is true, continuing to speak to Ms. Chang will endanger not only you, but your fellow probes and maybe even your MARSupial friends here on Earth. I know that you are a smart, logical probe and will make the correct decision based on facts and not emotions. Take care, brave probe.. we are counting on you.
Your Friend,

What does everyone think? I'll be posting this when I get home tonight, so please suggest any changes ASAP