SUBJECT>Daniel's fairly lucent today. POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>Friday, 23 January 1998, at 1:53 p.m. EMAILNOTICES>no IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PASSWORD>aaITEIa8cnKKM PREVIOUS> NEXT> 4070 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

"Delemreck are not on Mars.
They are coming soon."

No Phibs yet, but they're on the way.

"Ipsolstai may need protecting.
Enoch and Zachary and Gail more."

We should concentrate our efforts on preparing Gail, Enoch, Zachary and Theresa for the Phibs' arrival. (Should we have Gail and Theresa start packing up to clear out?) (Should we have Zach and Enoch abandon their mission and go back to the big tram, pick up Gail and Theresa and some stuff and head for the hills?)

"The One is not good.
Or bad.
It is.
It does."

If "The One" is "not good" why is it warning us to escape the Delemreck?

"We are here.
We have fled and flown.
But are we safe?"

Safe for the time being at least.

I think we should begin evacuation procedures at once.
I am going to ask Gail and Theresa to begin collecting necessary equipment to leave the Olympus Mons area.

I am contemplating having Enoch and Zach break off their mission. It would be good to let the Phibs duke it out. If this is a worthwhile objective we need to leave their factories intact.

What do you all think?

