SUBJECT>Religious remarks POSTER>Hamlet EMAIL> DATE>Friday, 23 January 1998, at 11:54 a.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PASSWORD>aapekBpzCkl9w PREVIOUS>4065 NEXT> 4071 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I think he means my remark suggesting a correlation between Daniel/the One and Jesus/God. Sorry if I offended you Kurk, no such offense was intended. I wasn't inferring anything about christianity, in fact if you read Bryce's response to my comment, he seems to think his statement slighted my religious views. Don't worry Bryce, it takes a heck of a lot to offend me.
The comment was simply to point out that Daniel speech seems to say a lot of the same things that people of most religions say about their dietes. I chose christianity because most people are more familiar with it. I could have used Mohammed/Allah, or Moses/Yaweh (if there seems to be any mistake in these suggestins, PLEASE email me and let me know - religious studies are a hobby of mine and I want to learn wqhere my mistakes are). I wanted to point out that we are dismissing the majority of what Daniel is saying, just like people often dismissed prophets of all types. I think that being a machine, Daniel is probably a somewhat reliable source of "prophecy", seeing that Bette is joining him, only using more complete sentences.
Well enough of my ranting. Anyone who wishes to continue this discussion, please email me at