SUBJECT>Bette's discovered the Holy Grail!! POSTER>Hamlet EMAIL> DATE>Monday, 22 December 1997, at 6:44 p.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS> NEXT> 3928 3933 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

No, seriously..
Bette walks into a room which has a very religious feel to it. On a table/counter there is a gup, which she and isaac proceed to crack. The Ipsos come in, but instead of destroying them (even though we have reason to believe that the ipsos have hostile intentions to the probes, they surround them. We have info from Dan that suggests that the Ipsos are worshipping some sort of creature which they do not understand, but which Dan does. It almost seem like someone's fooling them.
Maybe the Ipsos are worshiping some big powerful poer, or mauybe they just have a neat shiny cup. I can think of a number of movies with a similar theme (Wiz of OZ, Bill and Ted, etc. etc.).
Anybody? deas, comments, flames, etc?