SUBJECT>Re: Bette's discovery WSU POSTER>Hamlet EMAIL> DATE>Monday, 22 December 1997, at 6:17 p.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS>3914 NEXT> IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

But that's easily explained. The pyramid is a common geometrical shape with a lot of things going for it. It is stable, easier to build than an equally sized cube (and certaintly easier than a sphere), can be used as a weapon (i.e. spearheads, arrows, fletchette rounds, etc.), and always points up, to the heavens, space and the unknown. It is understandable that such a symbol would be of great interest to any society even without contact.
Besides there are really three basic three-dimensional geometric shapes; the sphere, the cube (rectangle). and the pyramid. The cone is often seen as a circular pyramid, just as the cylinder is a cirular rectangle. This really limits the number of basic shapes to work with, now doesn't it? I mean, nobody thinks it is strange that cultures all around the world built rectangular and cylindrical buildings, but pyramids are indications of inter-cultural contact.
Well, that's enough ranting for one day, everybody join me over at Messhall to celebrate my Birthday.