SUBJECT>Good observations Petroch! POSTER>Uncle Bob EMAIL> DATE>Sunday, 7 December 1997, at 5:09 a.m. EMAILNOTICES>no IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PASSWORD>aaA.VVYlSydI6 PREVIOUS>3800 NEXT> 3811 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

You raise some interesting points. While the C-probe is probably autonomous there is every reason to suspect that it communicates with Earth through a stationary platform transceiver much the same way our probes do. This platform would be more likely to be vulnerable to "tampering" than the C-probe itself. However, the "gotcha" is that the Chinese knew they could encounter hostile forces on Mars and may have anticipated this scenario. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t investigate that angle… I just don’t hold out too great a hope of it being the "Magic Bullet" that will solve the C-probe dilemma. It’s hard to believe that a stationary communications platform could be any more lethal than the C-probe and at least it can’t give chase to our probes if it *can* defend itself. As to Isaac and his fascination with numbers, if it’s possible to approach the C-probe’s communications platform, perhaps he and Enoch working together could "hack" into it and gain control of the C-probe itself. I believe this avenue DOES deserve consideration and investigation. What do the rest of you think? Is Petroch on to something here?

BTW, Welcome to MarsDawn! Why not come over to the Messhall and we can all get aquatinted?


Uncle Bob