SUBJECT>Hamlet, next airobraking is on Sunday and it's pretty close too. POSTER>Al-Qahira EMAIL> DATE>Friday, 21 November 1997, at 12:50 p.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: STAFF>Yes PASSWORD>aaezZrelLwA9k PREVIOUS> NEXT> 3764 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>


Hamlet asked:

>If you happen to find out that it will be in a position where they will be able
>to see it, maybe we can tell them to keep an eye out for it.

Yes, Hamlet.
Nasa had some data mix up the day before yesterday that has confused me too.
The aerobreaking encounter that I have predicted to be close to Olympus Mons
on Friday will be truly now on Sunday: PST 12:58:44 A.M.

It's even closer to Olympus Mons, than I've predicted.

Sunset is at Fortress PST 1:52:28 PM that is local Fortress Time 5:48:20 P.M.
Therefore aerobraking is 53:44 min prior to sunset time at the Fortress, that
means Fortress time 4:54:36 --

As airobreaking is generally done 36 min prior to terminator line (sunset)
at the moment, MGS is passing 4.3 degrees east (0:17:44 h) of the Fortress.

If you take a look at Xanthos' Map of Olympus Mons, you will see that this
aerobreaking will happen exactly ( 1.7 degree to the west) above the northwest

Though sun is deep and on the opposite side of this event, I'm not quite sure,
if the probes can see anything at all. My prediction concerning Friday would
have been better, as this encounter had been 64 degrees up in the western sky
after sunset. Anyway, I will inform the probes, so they looking for it on Sunday.

Thanks again for mentioning this issue and I'm gladly looking forward to your
next input that

keeps my ears walking
