SUBJECT>Pretty Please with sugar all over it. POSTER>Ratboy EMAIL> DATE>Thursday, 23 October 1997, at 2:13 a.m. EMAILNOTICES>no IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PASSWORD>aajfMKNH1hTm2 PREVIOUS> NEXT> 3654 3661 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Please excuse my absence the past few days. As I mentioned to Enoch The pieces of my chess game had to be set up. P & H can't even pick their noses without my knowledge now. I had pictured them as respectable looking business men but they're even bigger losers in person than they appear in their messages.

Parker has a handshake like a wet dishrag I swear he almost winced when I gave him that firm Texas howdy grip when he met me for lunch to deliver his resume. What a wimp! And Harden reminds me so much of Oliver Hardy it was hard for me to keep a straight face when I showed up at his pig sty apartment to hook up the free after hours cable service we had planted him a flyer about last Friday. We placed help wanted adds for computer techs and free introductory service offers in all the places they individually hang out in after hours. It was just a matter of time before one of them took the bait. That surprise is set to go off this Saturday night when he settles down to watch What he thinks will be the Playboy channel. Those two are so predictable. The guy who owns the coffee machine in the automated cafeteria at Brunel-Braur should be able to retire on what Parker spends on the java. He drinks his coffee black and double strong. It was a simple task to modify the dispenser so that, on que, no matter what he selects, it will first give him a full cup of sugar and no coffee. On his second attempt he'll get his coffee and when he gets to the bottom of that little cardboard cup, he never fails to turn it over to play the poker game on the bottom, Won't he be surprised when he sees the one that says "Greetings from Mars, Here's your sugar back." The hot coffee will activate the special Ink long enough for him to read it. But, by the time he can get a chance to show it to Parker, it will disappear for ever. But, on his way home, he'll find another sweat surprise at the launder mat he stops in every Friday. (he says it's a great place to meet chics.) One of my prettier associates will just happen to be their. I don't want to spoil the surprise.

I'll tell you more later. Ratboy