SUBJECT>We have any chance to save Andrew. POSTER>Dr.D EMAIL> DATE>Sunday, 21 September 1997, at 3:06 p.m. EMAILNOTICES>no IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: STAFF>Yes PASSWORD>aaROv4mYL6q/Y PREVIOUS>3467 NEXT> 3474 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

The problem is that the tapes amd maybe some of the E-proms are messed up.. I think we can get him back..( Or a probe - I am not sure what part of Andrew will be left - It depend on how much of the tapes have been erased by the leak. We could be looking at a new probe or Andrew with a gap in his memory.

We first need to have the Atomic pack remove before we do any thing. A probe remove his own pack but getting one to remove some ones else pack may be harder.. and we can't let a probe stay with the pack long at all or we will have more problems.
