SUBJECT>Throw a life preserver to a foe gone overboard? POSTER>Ratboy EMAIL> DATE>Saturday, 23 August 1997, at 9:34 a.m. EMAILNOTICES>no IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS> NEXT> 3254 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Sorry I haven’t been writing in as regularlly as I usually do. But, I have been lurking and paying
attention the past few days. However, between contending with glitches in my system and dealing with a
minor family crisies, I’ve been unable to take the time sit and compose anything worth posting.

The glitches are still giving me grief. But, I’ll put them on the back burner long enough to get this
thought across.

I apologize in advance for it’s length and emotional tone. But I am catching up on lost
time. And I have a lot to say. Please keep in mind that any opinions or offensive remarks,
describing P&H as sub-humans are for demonstrative purposes only and meant in the nicest
possible way.(Not) Besides, they deserve a slam or two. So, here goes.

With the arrival of the new and possibly ( more than likely) armed, probes, I feel strongly
that the time has come to impress upon the Ipsols that, although the newly arrived probes may
present a threat on first contact. It’s only because of their up bringing (so to speak). As far as we
know, they have the same sentient qualities that our probes have. That means that, among all the
other parameters we have set to classify sentient life forms, these new probes should have the
ability to reason, to distinguish between right and wrong and, As we have seen in Enoch’s case,
feel remorse when they realize that they have done something wrong and even anger at being
wronged and, above all, the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness. But, the essential lessons
necessary for making these distinctions have not been taught to them. If the new probes are
associated with P & H in any way, we can be reasonably certain they will have similarly bad
manners. But; that's only because they don't know any better.

Let me make my position perfectly clear. I don't want to see any of these, virtual, children
injured or killed (note: I do not use the words damaged or destroyed when referring to probes
any more as those terms describe malfunction or total loss of machinery.) simply because their
parents or legal guardians are misguided, greed motivated, power hungry, pigs, with little or no
regard for the lives of their fellow man, much less the Artificially Intelligent Life Forms that they
themselves have given birth to only to force them into servitude. If we apply some good sense
here, we may be able to, with the help of our Ipso friends, rehabilitated the new arrivals into
useful citizens of Mars and proper representatives of what all good Humans strive to be. So,
before we set out, with extreme prejudice, to confront the new arrivals. Can we find a way to
impress the Ipsos with our wish to attempt the liberation of these slaves from the, shallow minded,
dictatorial, people from The dark side of humanity, who’s goals are nothing more than profit and
power for themselves and no one else.

I suppose what I’m getting at is this. I’m sure all of you have wished, at one time or
another, for an end to war, disease and poverty in your own life time. And from what they have
told us, I have a feeling that the Ipsols think along those same, noble, lines. They exhibit all the
traits of peaceful beings who have had enough of senseless war and meaningless death. They
exhibit fear at the thought of armed conflict and have developed defensive weapons, with far less
destructive power than their advanced technology could probably provide, showing remarkable
restraint in their use against an perceived threat by firing warning shots first. Yet, showing
absolutely no tolerance whatsoever of the, unchangeable, violent nature of the Gen. probe.

We now have an incredible opportunity provided by the unfortunate predicament the new
probes find themselves to demonstrate, by our actions, that we have only the best intentions for
our fellow man and any, living, being that cares to share our search for peace. I am proud to say
that there is a special quality that separates the MARSupials from the lower life forms like Parker
and Harden. That quality is our recognition of and respect for all sentient life, our ability to have
compassion for others and our willingness to give great sacrifices toward our ever vigilant quest
for never ending peace and happiness for all who dream of sharing in it. With this in mind, I
humbly request that the members of our illustrious think tank devise a rescue scenario for the
probes that are still stuck in the landing platform. If one of our probes can communicate with the
three hatched EU probes. We can extend a helping hand where one is not expected. This offer
could be disarming in itself. If they refuse our help or ignore our offer we can always defer to plan
B. Disable the new probes with some well placed screams by our probes long enough to let the
Ipstolians restrain them. After which we can attempt to change their control codes. And if that
doesn’t work? Suggestions will be appreciated. I’d like to consider blowing them to kingdom
come as a last resort after all other scenarios have been exhausted.

I believe this coarse of action will, ultimately, serve to show the strength of our character
and greatly improve our relationships with all the current occupants of Mars and move us closer
to the day when the Ipsolti can find us worthy of their unconditional trust, respect & friendship.

Your opinions of the views I’ve stated herein are of great importance to me. So, pro or con I can
don’t hold any thing back. Tell me how you really feel.


Hey Murphy. I appreciate the use of that soap box.
Uh.....Thang yuh..... thang yuh berry much!