SUBJECT>It's only fair... POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>Wednesday, 20 August 1997, at 9:02 a.m. EMAILNOTICES>no IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PASSWORD>aaITEIa8cnKKM PREVIOUS> NEXT> 3236 3240 3245 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

They dissected my message. I think we need to dissect theirs.

I have several issues with what the Ipsos said to Zachary today.

"We came for the same reasons that you come. We stayed because of you. We stayed because of something else, we do not know why."

OK - exploration and expansion.
Because of US??? How so? to join us? to warn us? to protect us? Were they sent to Mars in stasis and uncertain of their mission? Have they lost some memory or received incomplete instructions?

"The Groove is from the amphibians, but not to the amphibians."

This would seem to conflict with what they said earlier. Didn't they say they sent and received supplies and communication on the groove? This would seem to imply that the Groove is a one way street. Anybody have another interpretation?

"You may call the amphibians the Delemreck, their language is like yours, we think. Ours is not like yours."

So do the Delemreck speak in radio frequency? binarily? or is it just that the amphibians communication is sound/wave based and the Ipso communication is some other system (color?)?

"What do you do with lower life forms? We have been watching you for a long time. Not long enough."

Didn't they say they had been asleep for 700 years? At that time were just emerging from the dark ages. Sounds like we have a little bit to fill them in on.

One more thing to consider.
It is possible that the Ipsos come from a Mono-species planet. They may be the only species on their planet. In this case, the concept of dominant species may be completely foreign and abhorant to them. Like the Delemreck. If this is really the case, how are they going to handle a bar-b-que? or a rodeo? or a circus?

Gotta be careful what I say and how I say it.

