SUBJECT>How's this for first contact? POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>August 04, 1997 at 10:12:17 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>3113 3118 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Here is my synthesis of the first message to Ipsos by Xanthos and myself:

"Greetings Ipsolstai. We are a group called MARSupials. We are humans, we are from Earth and we are
sending you this message through the probe named Daniel. You have declared that machines are not
sentient. Zachary may not be able to answer that charge, so we will try.

Some people of Earth created these probes to explore Mars. They were given what we call "artifcial
intelligence" so that they could learn and carry out their tasks without our guidance. The artificial
intelligence has worked far better than we could have imagined. They learned very fast and the probes
now meet our definition of sentient.

We define sentient in the following way: The being must have intelligence, self-awareness and
consciousness. Intelligence is the ability to learn through trial and error, to understand and cope with new
situations. Self-awareness is knowledge of one's existence and actions. Consciousness is awareness of
one's own mental processes manifested by introspective reports of one's own mental experience.

We feel that the probes, all of them, meet this definition. We therefore will not try to control the probes,
but they are young and still learning, so we advise them. Sometimes they do not heed our advice, another
sign of their sentience. Of their own will, they changed their programming to prevent any human from
controlling them. This is sentient. When you fought the probe we called Gen, we told Zachary to stay
away from the fight, to stay safe. Instead, he disregarded our advice and acting of his own free will,
risked his safety to help you. This is sentient. He is kind and brave. All of them are.

We, the MARSupials, are free and peaceful humans living in communities across our planet. We believe
in freedom as a main component of respectful coexistence and peace. Our efforts are directed towards a
universe enduring in peace through beings living in respectful coexistence supporting each other in
freedom of cultural, scientific and economic interchange.

We feel that we must warn you that other probes are coming to Mars. As Earth learned of your tunnels,
new cooperations of humans developed probes to explore Mars. We have no connection with these
groups, nor do we know of their intentions. The first probe that landed was controlled by the Japanese. It
acted hostile, so you destroyed it. Next week, six more probes will come. They look like Zachary and the
other probes. They are controlled by Europeans, and we do not know if they will be hostile. Later, at a
time unknown to us, one or more probes controlled by the Chinese will arrive on Mars. Their intentions
are also unknown.

We wish to be friends with you. We want to learn about you and your situation. We are already directing
our efforts to help you defend against further hostile actions. Our desire is to live in respectful and
peaceful coexistance with you."

Let's hear what you think!
