SUBJECT>Re: Suggested transmission to Daniel-comments solicited POSTER>Uncle Bob EMAIL> DATE>July 24, 1997 at 10:07:57 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3073 NEXT>3081 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Ah! I finally hear from him and he's messed up! For this I waited all these months? Oy vey!


You are indeed a true friend to Daniel. After all this time he really needs you, and you are here for him. Do not yet be alarmed. While it is true that Daniel is not in control of his body, the Ipsos did *NOT* kill his personality/AI only suppress it. If they intended to keep his body it would have been less of a hassle to have just wiped his mind and started fresh. They chose to do as little harm to him as possible while still achieving their goal of improved communication. The added side benefit for us is he will now be able to communicate with the other Probes and with the MARSupials *WHEN* he is restored to his original condition. I say *when* NOT *IF* because the Ipsos have not shown us any reason to fear them. I believe they have acted with great restraint under the circumstances. In their place I fear most humans would have blasted the invading aliens and examined the wreckage later. The only problem as I see it is that Daniel *DOESN’T* know what is going on. He has not been included in our discussions of his plight and the importance of the job he is doing. He hasn’t received any positive feed-back loops about his importance as an ambassador to an alien culture. He has been incommunicado the entire time he has been on Mars and only knows he is in trouble and has asked for help. The help he needs is in understanding the situation and reassurance that all will be well very soon. Then as his friends we must work to achieve that resolution to his predicament. I am reminded of the ancient Chinese proverb/curse, "May you live in interesting times." Things just can’t get much more interesting than they are now! Hang in there.

Uncle Bob