SUBJECT>Re: Suggested transmission to Daniel-comments solicited POSTER>Psiclops EMAIL> DATE>July 24, 1997 at 08:07:51 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3071 NEXT>3075 3079 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Okay, a very carefully worded transmission to Daniel, since we don't know if the Ipsos can hear everything we say to him or not:

"We have received your latest message and systems check and see that not all of your systems are functioning ideally. We are working on a permanent solution to your problem.

"In the meantime, We suggest a full reboot might correct the situation. Andrew will assist you in any way he can upon full reboot."

My idea is that maybe we can redo Daniel's command codes if he reboots. Problem is, we have no way of knowing exactly what they did to his CPU.

Ah! I finally hear from him and he's messed up! For this I waited all these months? Oy vey!
