SUBJECT>Re: Uncle Bob -- Please see todays Team Report (7/23/97) POSTER>Uncle Bob EMAIL> DATE>July 24, 1997 at 02:50:02 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3067 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Thank you for taking my opinion seriously. I hope the other MARSupials will comment, as I believe their inter-action with the Probes is at issue here. Of course, we may find that Bette is indeed damaged and acting strangely. As soon as one of the other Probes can get to her and physically inspect her perhaps we will get some answers. In the mean time, treating her like nothing is wrong with her and encouraging the other Probes to treat her like she's fine is the proper course of action, and I see from the MARSupials transmissions to the Probes, that is the general direction that is being taken. The beauty of a diverse group such as this is that the *RIGHT* thing is generally done by consensus. Unlike the "Naught-One", this group *GETS IT* and is doing a superb job of advising the Probes in their historic mission on Mars. Although I rarely have any insights that would be of help to the group in their dealings with the Probes, I never miss a day reading the transmissions from and to the Probes and the posts here and in the Messhall. I believe we all, MARSupials and Probes alike, benefit from this effort. Please be safe and keep an eye over your shoulder, we need you to stay here at MarsDawn!

Uncle Bob