SUBJECT>Re: Diagnostic and self-check (Dr.D et al) POSTER>Psiclops EMAIL>psiclops@mit.eduI DATE>July 23, 1997 at 08:34:32 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3049 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Well, it looks like I'm still the only one from Team Daniel around.

I don't believe Daniel's talking to P & H. It appears to me that they stopped trying to force reboots and tests long ago when they got no cooperation from Gail and she stopped talking to them.

Dr. D says this isn't the test he requested. Would Daniel have any reason to do this on his own? I don't see why unless he was having trouble moving, which does not appear to be the case. It seems like there would be better tests to perform than a movement check if he was trying to assert himself.

Therefore, the last possibility is the Ipsos are having him do it for some unknown reason. Maybe this is Daniel's first trip out since they "fixed" him and they want to make sure he is moving okay.
