SUBJECT>Re: Diagnostic and self-check (Dr.D et al) POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>July 23, 1997 at 05:34:46 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3063 NEXT>3065 LINKNAME> LINKURL>
Daniel has received new parts to his "brain". I think this is a sign that the "old Daniel" is still in there somewhere.
Let me say, however, that I am not at all opposed to Daniel's having been altered to facilitate this communication with the Ipsos. I think it is very important that we make concessions in an effort to build a relationship and perhaps an alliance.
And as much as I hate to say this, think we should remember the immortal words of Jonathan Niles Naughten, and not overly "anthropomorphize our tools."
Zero <---has three crescent wrenches named Manny, Moe and Jack