SUBJECT>Re: How come...??? POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>July 22, 1997 at 12:03:38 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3059 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I probably shouldn't be arguing this point because it's probably not a critical issue, but...

In order for the carbon to be on the "fan side" of the "filter" (or the "screen" I believe you called it), the conversion unit for C from CO2 would necessarily be on the "fan side" as well. There should not be any "soot" to filter out of the Martian atmosphere unless it came from some external process.

Again, I probably just don't understan Ipso technology, but this has me a little bit stumped. I'm not yet willing to just dismiss it as "unfathomable technology".

I think the ETs said something about probes coming and "doing something" to the groove anchor. I'm worried that our probes might have unintentionally reactivated the groove anchor. I think I'll go back and research it a little bit.


Paranoia Mode = ON
