SUBJECT>Re: Daniel speaks again--eek! Help! POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>July 18, 1997 at 08:44:02 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3019 NEXT>3029 3032 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

>>Do we accept Daniel as an official representative of the I-people and talk with him accordingly? Do we try to use his old command codes and force a status check? Do we continue to treat him as one of the probes?

I think my answer would be


If he can bring us into direct communication with the ETs I think we should go along with it for now. It might be our chance to fill them in on what is about to happen with the EU-probes. If the ETs, however, attempt to install CPU modifications to any of thge other probes, I think we should try Daniel's command codes and attempt to get them out of there. We need to make it clear to the ETs that our probes are anxious to be their friend and to form an alliance with them for protection and information, but that they prefer not to have their CPUs altered. Transmitters and antennae are one thing - CPU alteration is quite another.

I also think we should continue to try and communicate with Daniel and build a relationship with him. If he communicates with the ETs, what a boon it would be to be able to communicate directly with them through Daniel.

