SUBJECT>Re: 20 questions: I need help! ??? Xanthos, ALL ??? POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>July 18, 1997 at 06:33:59 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>3009 NEXT>3013 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi Taz,

I just had finished drawing a map of Olympus Mons, the locations of the landers and the
surrounding in a grid of 1500 x 2000 miles when my disk stalled and I lost the whole map
again. Though especially my drawing of Olympus Mons was quite nice, I couldn't make up
my mind yet to redraw the map, for I was not sure if there is really any new information on
it. - Now, as you ask if Stage 2 is in the Southern Hemisphere, I know there had been some
useful information on it after all.

The top of Olympus Mons is located at 18 N 134 W, Stage 2 is pretty exactly 20 N 140 W.
One degree at Mars has 60 miles, therefore Mars Equator is about 1200 miles to the south.

Glad I could be of some help ...
