SUBJECT>ET message of 17/7/97 debugged POSTER>Taz EMAIL>XO@Team.Andrew DATE>July 17, 1997 at 12:21:46 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2995 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

"Too much say,"
I have too much to say to use this hologram machine.

"will say better. Talk more soon"
Very soon, I will be better able to communicate what I need to say. At that time I will talk to you again.

"soon better."
Soon, we will be better able to communicate.

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I think that the ET is referring to the added communication capability that everyone has been speculating about the new antenae on Daniel. I think that the ETs, have determined that our probes are "good guys" and intend to equip them with the means to communicate directly with the ETs.

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