SUBJECT>ET message of 15/7/97 debugged POSTER>joule EMAIL>@the.lab DATE>July 15, 1997 at 10:43:36 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Most of today's message is unambiguous:

"Fourth planet = revolution = year"
So our original assumption was correct.

"Amphibian tall ugly move fast. Catch transport catch brothers."
Well, if they can move fast enough to catch a transport, they are not human in any sense of the word. Unless they were also using some sort of transport?

"Brother find amphibian picture wait wait soon"
This seems pretty straight forward.

"You two digits binary?"
I was baffled by this at first, but now I think it is a question about either our counting system or the probe's computer system. Enoch should ask questions to clarify this.

"Your friends mammals third planet:
Many colors? Good colors?"
They want to know more about us. Color is apparently very important to them. I'm still afraid that our natural coloring will seem very dull and ugly to them, and thus ressemble amphibians. Their thought processes seem remarkably similar to ours, so any similarity to their enemies is bad, and similarity to themselves is good. If you consider the range of colors of our clothing and the information about attitude, status, and function that is communicated by our clothes, design and color of cars and houses, etc., then I think we have a solid point of commonality with the ETs.
