SUBJECT>Re: ET message 14/7/97 - debugging thread. POSTER>joule EMAIL>@the.lab DATE>July 14, 1997 at 09:34:52 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2881 NEXT>2888 2897 LINKNAME> LINKURL>
Here's my interpretation:
"Probes land replicate Groove Anchor."
"Open Groove amphibians come."
They are retelling what led to the destruction of their world.
"No probes landing on Earth? No probe carriers coming?
"No amphibians is good."
They are confirming their understanding of what Enoch has just said.
"Sleep sleep cold long 2^2 x 10^2 revolutions"
I agree with Grand Zero's interpretation. They have been asleep for 400 Martian years. But what a coincidence that they knew that a ^ is the ascii symbol for raising a number to a power, eh?
"Amphibian ugly dull colors ugly move fast."
Or like humans. Compared to the many bright colors that Enoch has described, the range of human pigments would seem dull indeed. I really think that Enoch needs to be insistent about being shown a picture of an amphibian. If they do somehow resemble us, Enoch will have a lot of explaining to do.