SUBJECT>ET message 14/7/97 - debugging thread. POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>July 14, 1997 at 09:14:55 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2883 2884 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Some of what the ETs had to say to Enoch this weekend is fairly straight forward and interpretable. Some is going to require some analysis and speculation.

"Probes land replicate Groove Anchor."
-- The use of the term replicate is rather ambiguous. Do they mean that we reopened the Groove Anchor or that the landing of two Brace "Stages" appeared like the Groove Anchor and perhaps set off some automated warning and defense systems?

"Open Groove amphibians come."
-- Are they saying that the Groove is now open and that they are anticipating the Amphibians' coming, or have they misinterpreted the J-probe as an amphibian?

"No probes landing on Earth? No probe carriers coming?
No amphibians is good."
-- They are pleased that we are not the amphibians. I can almost feel them breathing a heavy sigh of relief at this news.

"Sleep sleep cold long 2^2 x 10^2 revolutions"
-- They were in stasis (long, cold sleep) for 400 Martian years. How long is a Martian year, anyway?

"Amphibian ugly dull colors ugly move fast."
-- Like Gen???

On second thought here there is not much here that is very clear. Enoch, Keep up the diplomacy and keep the communication lines open. Anybody else have some interpretations of this stuff???

