SUBJECT>Re: P.S.( joule ) POSTER>Ratboy EMAIL> DATE>July 11, 1997 at 17:25:42 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2865 NEXT>2871 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

If the ETs have been in stasis for as long as I think they have, English was just a gleam in
some cave man's eye when they went to sleep. I believe they may have picked up the language from
Daniel or Bette. Because it is written in mirror image, I am inclined to think it was from Daniel. I
would like to know for sure how long they have been asleep to determine if my theory has merit.
They have made no mention of Daniel. But, given the restraint they have shown with Gen. I
don't think they have destroyed him. The worst he was capable of was throwing rocks. Hardly a
crime worthy of capital punishment. And why go through the trouble of teaching him rock talk only
to vaporize him. Enoch should inquire as to his" brothers" well being again. I also believe he should
say a big “THANK YOU” for Bette’s safe return. And extend to them our ( the Marsupials)
willingness to help them in any way we can. Asking too many questions about sensitive, security, areas may
make them suspicious of our intentions. Asking them “ what is Groove?” will not cause any harm. It will assure them
that we are not the ones who hurt their home world. But, to ask for the details on how to use it must come later.