SUBJECT>Re: from the WSU POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>July 11, 1997 at 13:30:47 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2848 NEXT>2861 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

>Does anyone see a third possibility?

How about a parallel universe/dimension?
There is a parallel civilization on Earth. That civilation is space travel capable. The grooves are a method of interdimensional travel. Perhaps the ETs are also from a parallel Earth. Perhaps they came to Mars and severed the interdimensional groove. Perhaps the grooves were real grooves that brought the amphibian agressors to the land-locked ETs.

Yeah, there are holes in this theory, but can we fill them in, or am I so far out on the fringe that I've lost my grip??? Can we fit a parallel dimension/universe theory to this situation. Joule, you're the detective. What do you think???

