SUBJECT>"Probes come to homeworld, set Groove anchor." -- debugged POSTER>joule EMAIL>@the.lab DATE>July 10, 1997 at 09:57:14 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2813 2829 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Well, I think this is much clearer. Here is my "debugged" version of the ETs message:

"Probes come to homeworld, set Groove anchor."
A mechanical device came to the purple planet and established an anchor point?/base? for a means of interstellar travel (worm hole = a groove in space-time?).

"Amphibians come hurt hurt many."
Beings able to breathe air and water (or to live both on land and in space?) came and hurt many on the homeworld.

"We close our anchor. No home. No Groove."
The ETs on Mars closed their Groove anchor. They can't go home, but the amphibians also can't come to them.

"Sleep sleep sleep"
They put themselves in suspended animation.

"New probes come wake us. Why?"
Bette and Enoch or one of the other probes (Daniel?) activated something that woke them, and of course, they don't understand why.