SUBJECT>Zero on Nothing (Team Report Report) POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>July 08, 1997 at 13:11:47 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2760 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Dripping with sarcasm MODE = ON


Dear Jonathon (how many "Niles" was that?) Naughton,
So nice to hear from you again.

>I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. The
>seminar went well, thank you.

WONDERFUL! It's so comforting to know that other people are being taught to think and act like you. Perhaps we can have them all locked up, I mean perhaps they can all come to work with you at East Valley.

>Although the probes were essentially unsupervised for several
>days, I feel the sitation can be salvaged with careful handling.
>Miss Carter, it is imperative to remain rational in regard to our
>remote tools on Mars and not anthropomophize them unduly.

Unsupervised??? Unsupervised??? Oh, that's right you were at the seminar. Next time please be sure to leave a substitute when you have to be away so that Gail, Zachary, Andrew and Enoch will not have to be unsupervised. After all, Dilyn and her team and all the MARSupials cannot properly function if you are not here to drool, I mean *look* over our shoulders.

Let me see now, they're unsentient "tools" and we mustn't anthropomorphize them unduly, but it'll take careful handling to salvage the situation??? What's wrong with this picture?

One more question Dr. Nothing, if we shouldn't unduly anthropomorphize the "tools", why did we bother to consult the
East Valley **BEHAVIORAL** Research Group?

>Jonathan Nile Naughton (How many "Niles" was that???)
>East Valley Behavioral Research Group

BTW, don't strain yourself too much Dr. Nothing, I'm sure that Miss Carter never really expected such an extensive analysis as you've assemble here in this 6-line bit of hog hockey.


Grand Zero
(MARSupial SWAT team)