SUBJECT>Bomb Blasts, Vol. 1, Iss. 2 POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>July 02, 1997 at 09:38:54 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

"There is no reason to interpret an equipment malfunction as
a willfully destructive act. This is probably what happened to the ET's "beanie"."

OK, so maybe we went to an extreme to dismiss the thought that there was a simple equipment malfunction, but how do you explain the hollow tube that was deployed from the J-probe and pointed directly at the camera? A drinking straw? An atmospheric sniffer that just happened to be pointing directly at the camera at the exact same moment that the camera failed? What a coincidence! The chances must be staggeringly small, wouldn't you say? Much smaller than a human controller behaving in a less than civilized way, I'd venture to say.

"Here at East Valley our telecommunications links are down as often as they are up, a common problem, I understand."

And what kind of rinky-dink telecom equipment do you buy? I've rarely experienced a failure. Most telecom difficulties I've experienced (besides dealing with idiots) has been a matter of over-crowding of the system, which is not a cause of crashes. Get off your wallets and buy real equipment.

"The new probe Gen is obviously masking confusion and fright."

Confusion and fright? Pretty big assumption that the probe uses AI, wouldn't you think? And why are we cuddling up and being kind and supportive of the J-probe, but beating up Gail for being frightened and confused? If you're going to be an advocate, you're going to have to be more even-handed. Ditto if you're going to be a critic.

"Your best solution, Miss Carter, is to welcome him and try to contact his Earthside handlers."

Dilyn, if you're going to do this, make sure that your will is current, and please don't list me as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. I don't want Gen-Ex finding me. But don't worry, we'll bury your remains (providing they're actually found) right next to Jose's.

"Jonathan Niles Naughton"

"East Valley Behavioral Research Group"
of Morons, ConMen and Cheapskates.