SUBJECT>Re: Hello Roger... POSTER>RogerT EMAIL> DATE>June 30, 1997 at 12:26:21 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2664 NEXT>2719 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

>...and welcome to MarsDawn.

>Come on over to the MessHall sometime. I'll buy you a cup of
>Murphy's great coffee (or whatever) and you can meet the
>rest of the gang. Don't worry, we won't bite your ear off or

Thanks for the welcome! I'll take your lack of appetite towards my ear as a sign that the food at the MessHall is edible. :)

>Now, regarding protocols for posting to the probes...
>There is no official protocol yet. We are discussing
>organizational details and at some point may limit posting to the
>probes, but right now you may post whatever you want. I would
>ask, however, that you read up on what has been sent
>by others to the probes. We try to discuss options here before
>sending them any kind of instructions. That way we can be
>consistent in what we ask them to do. We won't have them confused
>over which of us to follow. It would be very good if
>you introduced yourself to the probes as a new friend from Earth.
>One of us will post a note to them to reassure them that
>you are on our side. (You are on our side, aren't you?)

You better believe I'm on your side!

I was considering posting just something like that, actually. Just taking a little time to decide which of the probes I "relate" to the best.

>As you
>spend a little time here, you may find that you are drawn to
>one or two of the probes more than the others. At that point you
>may want to join that probe's "team". The probes are
>instructed to take the advice of their team members as higher
>priority in case of conflicting requests.

Good idea.

>Again, welcome aboard and good to have you. If you have any
>questions, feel free to ask here or in the MessHall.

You got it... I'll try to stop by the MessHall tomorrow. Hope the mocha's good.

-- Roger.