SUBJECT>Re: WHY? Now that's a tuffy ... !!! Important !!! (Taz) POSTER>Koala EMAIL> DATE>June 18, 1997 at 11:40:31 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2491 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I think Enoch should state "Why" is not enough to understand what is desired. He should offer these examples of how he might interpret the question and the answers he could offer in response:

Q: Why are you here, on this planet?

A: We have come here to learn about the planet and in so doing about ourselves and the past history of our planet. We seek to know all we are able about this planet because it contains information about our own that we can no longer find there. It has not been altered by our presense over time and offers us a look at how our planet developed and became what it is today.

Q: Why are you here, in the tunnels?

A: We were surprised to discover the tunnels and their hidden entrances. We did not know prior to our arrival that there were any intelligences here. We have been exploring the tunnels and rooms in the hope of understanding the builders. We had poped to have the opportunity to meet you and offer mutual peaceful co-existence.

Q: Why did one of you attempt to follow one of us?

A: Gail, the probe that you are currently holding, was excited to make the discovery. She did not know about your weapons and did not understand the warning she was given. We have learned from that error, as you could see in my recent behavior towards you. We want to be your friends. We believe we have much to offer you with our friendship, and you have much to offer us. More probes are on their way now. In fact, one group who we suspect may be hostile towards us and you have just landed. We want to work with you to ensure our mutual safety. You have more defensive resources available today than we do, but we have a better understanding of them and can better coordinate a defense than you might be able to do.

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Please note that my suggested responses never refer to the MARSupials. I think we should be kept out of the picture as much as possible. We are the probes' advisory board and think tank. If the ETs learn of our existence, they may worry that the probes intend to subvert them and take over at our command. The probes are independent of us to the extent that they are free to accept or reject our recommendations at any time. The ETs may not yet be able to understand that concept. We can be introduced into the equation later, after the ETs and probes have a chance to develop a relationship between themselves.

Koala, Captain, Team Andrew