SUBJECT>More of "Dilyn's Team Report" (ATTN: JN Naughton) POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>June 18, 1997 at 11:36:01 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2508 2513 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Felicitations fellow MARSupials.

Check out the report for June 17th. Apparently Dilyn has a shrinkologist studying the probes' behavior.

Here's my take on his report....

"Splitting up Enoch and Andrew has both positive and negative implications:
Enoch and Andrew have not yet forged a true partnership like Gail and Andrew,
or Enoch and Bette. These two have issues of cooperation still to be resolved."

Take off the blinders, pal. While it is unfortunate, possibly even tragic, we cannot spend time on "forging true partnerships." I am not an alarmist, but it should be clear to any half-wit that this has become a survival situation. Perhaps you have heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. If you haven't, you're ripping off Dilyn and should be jailed. (Here's a hint: "forging true partnerships" comes waaaay after "not getting killed" by the MNs and/or the ETs.)

"We recommend getting Gail some assistance before she becomes uncooperative."

Gail is doing just fine and uncooperativeness has yet to show itself. Her only hesitancy is borne of fear, and any competent behavioral specialist could see this. Tell you what, we'll put you in a room alone with an alien. You have only a radio to get instructions (from people who are also unable to speak the alien's language) on how to communicate and there is no way to exit the room. We'll monitor you for pulse rate and sphincter tone.

"Her immaturity has been noted previously."

Yeah. You know, I noted a HUGE amount of immaturity from my 4 year-old niece and 2 year-old nephew last week. Perhaps they should seek professional help from a boob like you.

"Zachary and the other probes need to learn how to read. The alien entities prefer
written communication for some unfathomable reason."

Unfathomable? Jeez! Your pool is *truly* shallow. So tell me, Einstein, what method of communication are you using to get this report to Dilyn? Is this so unfathomable? I believe that this statement, alone or in full context, is enough to discredit EVERYTHING you have to say.

"It is unfortunate that this
was not included in the probes' instruction sets while at Brace."

Wow. A cogent statement. A cogent statement of the painfully obvious, but at least you're making some progress.

"We hope this assessment will assist you in your task."

Don't get your hopes too high.

"Jonathan Niles Naughton"


"East Valley Behavioral Research Group"...of morons and/or con artists