SUBJECT>WHY? Now that's a tuffy ... !!! Important !!! POSTER>Taz EMAIL>XO@Team.Andrew DATE>June 18, 1997 at 06:05:05 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2493 2498 2505 2506 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Okay people, put on your thinking caps. The ETs have begun a dialog. They want to know WHY? Why what? Why are we here? Why did we invade their tunnels? Why did Bette chase one of them? We need to come up with a bsic mission statement about the curiosity of humans, the need to seend unmanned missions first, the decisions to build and send the probes, the probes development into sentient beings, but above all the PEACEFUL exploration aspect. We can even apologize if we have intruded/offended in some way. We did not know that the planet was occupied. Someone who is good at making speeches, please put something together.

Now, the second question is, how do we communicate with them? Dr. D, how long is it going to take to get your Alphabet Image together and sent to the probes?
