SUBJECT>Re: glass barrier = mirror ?(madan-halav) POSTER>Koala EMAIL> DATE>June 17, 1997 at 11:05:36 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2486 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I think not. Enoch described the E-probes as having a cluster of manipulator-like arms and sensory devices and the bodies were constantly changing color. Unless it is composed of at least three parts that are reflecting upon each other, and Enoch has failed to observe repetitive objects, I don't see it being a mirror.

If it were two-glass - that is, a mirror to Enoch and transparent glass to the E-probes, Enoch would not have seen them at all. If it were two-way glass that Enoch could see through but not the E-Probes then why are their sensory devices pointing at him?

I think each can see the other. I disagree with the theory the glass is a mirror.

Koala, Captain, Team Andrew