SUBJECT>I don't know... POSTER>SkyKing STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>June 16, 1997 at 22:24:45 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2464 NEXT>2481 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Dilyn sounds scared. There's no shame in that for her, I'm scared too, and I'm not ashamed. Things have progressed quickly on Mars, and I fear for the probes, and for all of us here on Earth. I think we need to continue our efforts to communicate and establish friendly relations with the cave residents, (or ETs or aliens etc.) At the same time, it would be good to work from a position of strength. Dilyn has belittled some of the best and strongest traits of each of the probes. Perhaps we should "read between the lines", and take inventory of the true strengths and talents of each of the probes.

I.E.; Gail's paranoia... Gail might be very good as the defensive
leader of the probes. I think that Gail has demonstrated the ability to overcome her fears. I may be wrong, but I think that if Lt Cdr Snake were here, he would verify the fact that parinoia can be a healthy survival tool, and that bravery and acomplishment are the result of overcoming one's fears. My apologies if I read you wrong, Snake. I'm no Seal, just trying to think like one.

I haven't spoken with Dilyn in a while; I'm puzzled by her report.
