SUBJECT>What's up with "Dylin's Team Report" POSTER>Taz EMAIL>XO@Team.Andrew DATE>June 16, 1997 at 11:26:45 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2470 2472 2480 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Has anyone else taken a look at the latest addition to the site? What up with all this negativity? I get the impression that whoever wrote this thinks that all this should be scrapped.

Here is my impression of what was stated:

Enoch is useless because he is damaged.

Andrew is not trustworthy because he figured out how to change the control codes.

Gail suffers from severe paranoia and needs to be locked up before she hurts someone.

Zachary is incapable of thinking for himself and thus should ONLY be given clear-cut step by step intructions.

The MARSupials are left-wing probe-rights activists hell-bent on saving the whales, er the probes.

What a crock of $%#&! Who wrote this stuff?
