SUBJECT>Now, where to put the platform, folks ?? POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>June 16, 1997 at 10:14:27 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2463 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I've asked Zachary about that Friday 3:20 a.m. but without any reply, now they standing
there with the platform in their hands asking where to put it. My suggestion is to put it
into the next canyon and have it sealed off by a rockslide. Oh hold on, The ET's, or
whoever or whatever did, can pull the rocks away, as they have done already at the side
canyon, where Daniel had been trapped.

However, fully protection against the ET's won't be possible. On the other hand I still
think it's best to break the platform apart, seal all relevant parts into rocks by mining
robots and put the antennas on top, but sealed off by maybe a rockslide. At the landing
site there are enough cables, and what ever you like, to build up a proper protected place
for this communication thingy.

As they move on slowly at the moment Gail can walk back, get let's say two mining
robots, some twenty meters cables for the antennas and further stuff needed. DrD.,
please can you tell Gail, what to pick up exactly ??

So I gonna tell them ...
What you mean ??



Next will be to build a fortress with that stuff at the landing site. Any possibility to learn
about the resources being over there, beyond six drones and twelve mining robots. ??