SUBJECT>Re: Perhaps it's time. (GZ, Taz, Koala etc.) POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>June 12, 1997 at 12:15:41 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2372 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>
The Com Platform is too small as a fortress to protect all drones, robots, probes and
useful stuff !!! --- When building up the fortress. As said, I would not place it in the
open field. Do we have possibilities to create additional to walls further constructions of
defense, like ravines, traps of rockslides, spears ?? -- To have a good overview to
relevant parts of the surrounding area, would be of some need too. ---
Andrew is constantly asking for mining robots, but I think they aren't of good help in
the tunnels and its not of good behavior to drill holes in someone else's home.