SUBJECT>Warning shots fired!!! POSTER>Taz EMAIL>XO@Team.Andrew DATE>June 10, 1997 at 09:18:40 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2327 2328 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

The ETs fired warning shots at Zachary. He is undamaged, but is requesting instructions on how to proceed. I sent him a suggestion that he proceed with the plan for giving them the transmitter from his current position. Any other ideas?


p.s. It seems like good news to me that they fired a warning shot. And if you think about it, they fired a warning shot at Bette also.

I just had another idea. This one might be dangerous though. We could have Gail transmit at high gain to "get their attention". Maybe Zachary could then sneak in closer, drop the transmitter, and get away before they noticed him. It's probably too risky, but I thought I would throw it out on the table for discussion.